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Message  abdelali ait said 2ste4 Ven 12 Mar - 13:33

"This book, Candide by Voltaire, was one of the first classics that I had ever read. I read this book when I was I think 15 years old and - over 20 years ago - and one of the things I loved about the book was that it was an incredible satire on the social situation. So not only was it
the first classic but it was one of the first satires I ever read. Basically, the way, it's a social commentary, and so he has travels all over the world; but at the very beginning of the book he is condemned to death. And he's - he gets flayed, and he gets all this stuff, and all of a sudden he's saved. There is this social - this stinging social commentary that comes across humorous, all right, over tragic situations, and it really gave me the idea that, "Hey, I want to make a difference in the world. I don't want to - I don't want to be satisfied with this." So that was the big message to me. It's a little bit different from the actual message probably would interpret at the end of the book, which is you can't really affect the world; the world is not perfect. The best you can do is really; as Candide says at the end, tend your own garden. So, but it actually had the opposite effect; I wanted to try to make the world better. The character that I identified most back then, and I still do now, is Candide. He was just naive, maybe stupid. He just said he believed that the world was so great and could see before his very eyes that the world was horrible. Again, this is a classic book, highly recommend Candide by Voltaire. I would give this book a five-star rating."

abdelali ait said 2ste4

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Join date : 11/03/2010

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